Torah Studies
Embracing Torah
Ashreinu's Torah Study curriculum is well rounded and designed to immerse students in the areas of Torah most relevant to their daily lives. Students are encouraged to challenge, probe and question. Our Rebbeim help nurture a love of Torah in our students, while giving them a deeper understanding of our religion. With an average of 7 students per class, our students receive individual guidance from a diverse staff of Rebbeim.
Our Courses
TED Talks
Insights into the Siddur
Pirkei Avot
Ethics of Our Fathers
Through the eyes of the Prophets
Chassidut of the Ba'al Shem Tov
Tzidkat HaTzadik
Jewish Philosophy
Praying with Fire
Practical Halacha
Hilchot Shabbat
Morning Shiur
Gemarah Be'kiyut
Multiple levels
Gemarah Bi'iyun
Multiple levels
The First To Basics
God, Emunah and Bitachon
The Torah and our Mesorah
Afternoon Classes
A Selection of classes offered throughout the dayBrachot
Eretz Yisrael
Marriage & Sexuality
Afternoon Learning
Jewish Thought
With Rav Y.Y. Wenglin
Life Cycles
With Rabbi Yudin
Night Seder
Chovot HaTalmidim
Hashkafa - "What's the Purpose?"
Gemarah Be'keyut
Psychology & Torah
Rebbe Nachman's thought
Daily Halacha
Reb Shlomo Carlebach on the Parsha
Mysticism and Meditation
Thursday Night Mishmar
With Divrei Torah, Niggunim and Food