Rabbi Dovi Shenkman has a Bachelors in History and Business from Yeshiva University, a Masters in Education from Azrieli School of Education, and a Masters in Social Work from Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Before making Aliyah, Rabbi Shenkman was a Rebbi in Sinai, a special Education school in Teaneck NJ and the Youth Director at Congregation AABJ&D in West Orange NJ. Rav Dovi has spent the past few summers as a Division Head at Camp HASC, along with many of our alumni. Rav Dovi teaches a shana alef morning shiur, shana bet afternoon shiur and runs the night seder program. He is a Yad Vashem certified Holocaust educator and leads Ashreinu’s yearly trip to Poland. He currently lives in Ramat Bet Shemesh with his wife and children.
Rabbi Dovi Shenkman