Rabbi Jeff Wohlgelernter was born and raised in Long Island, NY. After learning in Ner Israel Rabbinical College for six years and getting a degree in psychology from Johns Hopkins University, Rabbi Wohlgelernter came to Eretz Yisrael to learn under the great gaon Rabbi Moshe Shapiro z”l. While there, he met his wife Shoshana, and married in America. After working in Kiruv in Australia for 2 years, they became the Rabbi and Rebbetzin of a startup shul in La Jolla, California. 34 years later, they left behind a congregation of nearly 300 families, an eruv, a mikvah, 2 high schools and a beautiful building to return to live and teach Torah in Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Wohlgelernter is currently the Rov of Beis Medrash Mishkafayim (BMM) in Ramat Beit Shemesh, and Mashgiach Ruchani at Ashreinu. Rabbi “Wogi,” as he is affectionately known, is an enthusiastic teacher whose goal is to inspire his talmidim to seek more.
Mashgiach Ruchani
Rabbi Jeff Wohlgelernter