Rabbi Josh Goldstein is a vibrant presence at Ashreinu, bringing a rich tapestry of experiences and passions to his role as Night Seder Rebbe. Having grown up in Florida, Rabbi Josh’s life journey led him to Be’er Sheva, Israel, where he completed his high school education. He remained in Israel to continue his Yeshiva studies, and for many years was a madrich and mashpia at Ashreinu and Mevaseret. Music holds a special place in his heart, and he can often be found strumming his guitar with enthusiasm. With a contagious sense of humor, Rabbi Josh brings joy to those around him, embracing laughter and a penchant for the ridiculous. His deep-seated passion for Jewish History is evident in his exploration of the teachings of Chassidic masters and mystics, a subject he approaches with fervor and dedication. Rabbi Josh currently resides in RBS Aleph with his wife and their adorable baby boy, Avi.
Rabbi Josh Goldstein