Rabbi Sofer was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. He attended Yeshiva in Manchester, England and continued on to Israel at the Mir Yeshiva for the next 15 years. While studying in the Mir, he received Semicha from various batei dinim in Israel including the Raabanut, the Eidah Chariedit and R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. Rav Sofer is the CEO of Kav Halacha, the 24 hour worldwide Halacha hotline for English speakers around the globe. He currently runs the Shevet Halevie Halacha Kollel in Ramat Beit Shemesh and teaches Shana Bet afternoon seder at Ashreinu. Rabbi Sofer is known for his high level halacha and machshava shiurim and enjoys and connects with the students on a personal level, continuing relationships and learning with them even after they leave Yeshiva.
Rabbi Shimon Sofer