Rav Wenglin grew up in Scarsdale, N.Y, earned a BA in History and Literature at Harvard University and a JD at the UCLA School of Law. After working at a Manhattan law firm for 2 years, he moved to Jerusalem, where he started taking introductory classes at Aish HaTorah, eventually becoming a teacher in the Essentials program. Rabbi Wenglin was the Director of Education and Executive Director at Yeshiva Lev Yisrael and is a sought after lecturer at college campuses and community-based outreach programs across America. He is currently a popular teacher at many yeshivot and seminaries. Rabbi Wenglin has been teaching Jewish Thought at Ashreinu since its inception, taught a Shana Bet gemarah morning shiur for 5 years and currently gives his popular JOBAJ (Joy of Being a Jew) shiur in the afternoons.
Rabbi YY Wenglin